
When it comes to Spanish language nuances, one of the most common questions is whether to write “en medio” or “enmedio.” Both forms appear frequently, but they aren’t always interchangeable. Understanding the correct usage of these phrases can significantly improve your Spanish writing skills.

What Does “En Medio” Mean?

“En medio” is a two-word phrase that means “in the middle” in English. It is used to indicate that something is located at the center of two other things or in the middle of a situation. This phrase is widely used in both formal and informal contexts.


  • Physical Space:
    • “El libro está en medio de la mesa.”
    • Translation: “The book is in the middle of the table.”
  • Situational Context:
    • “Se quedó en medio de la discusión.”
    • Translation: “He was caught in the middle of the argument.”

What Does “Enmedio” Mean?

On the other hand, “enmedio” as a single word is generally incorrect in standard Spanish. However, it’s sometimes seen in informal writing, particularly online, where it’s used as a colloquial or simplified version of “en medio.” Despite its occasional appearance, it’s not recognized by the Real Academia Española (RAE), the main institution that regulates the Spanish language.

When to Use “En Medio”

The correct choice, according to the rules of Spanish grammar, is “en medio” when you want to describe something that is situated between two objects, points, or situations.

Correct Usage:

  • “Puso la silla en medio de la sala.”
    • Translation: “He placed the chair in the middle of the room.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using “Enmedio” in Formal Writing:
    Avoid using “enmedio” in any formal context, such as academic papers, professional emails, or official documents.
  2. Confusing “En Medio” with “Entre”:
    While both can indicate a position between two points, “entre” is more commonly used when directly referring to two distinct objects or people. For example, “El gato está entre las sillas” (The cat is between the chairs).


The correct form is “en medio” when you want to indicate something is positioned in the middle of something else. The use of “enmedio” is generally incorrect and should be avoided, especially in formal writing. Understanding these differences will not only help you avoid common mistakes but also enhance your command of the Spanish language.

By adhering to this simple rule, you’ll ensure that your Spanish writing is grammatically correct and easily understood

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